Wednesday 14 August 2013

Sunny With a Chance of Porcupines

Living in southern Alberta, the weather can be quite unpredictable. So far this summer, we've been thrown floods, tornado warnings, and hailstorms (which reminds us that we have a lot more posts to come!) But this shoot has to rank as our hottest so far- topping out at 41 C with little shade to be found! Yeouch! This shoot required a few breaks to let the kids cool down so they didn't melt! 


This shoot was very special in that it commemorates Mr. and Mrs. Burton's 35th Wedding Anniversary! Congratulations you two lovebirds!! 

What proud grandparents! :)

Thanks, Burton family for braving the heat so we could snap some pictures! The kids especially did well for taking pictures in an oven! What a beautiful family!


The kids found a porcupine in the park! 


Hope you enjoyed our pictures! (From the comfort of your house and not the scorching heat! :) Feel free to comment and treat yourself to a popsicle or slurpee!